Goal 1: Information Exchange – Advance pollution prevention by maintaining and improving opportunities for exchanging ideas and facilitating coordination of efforts. Objectives: A. Maintain and improve annual NPPR conferences as important forums for exchanging ideas and meeting member service needs. Goal 2: Public Policy – Advance pollution prevention by influencing the development and implementation of policies, legislation and regulations. Objectives: A. Educate policy makers on the concept of pollution prevention. Goal 3: Education – Promote education and awareness of pollution prevention concepts, programs, methods, accomplishments, and benefits. Objectives: A. Ensure pollution prevention providers have access to new technologies or program developments. Goal 4: External Partnerships – Foster constructive, mutually beneficial relationships with other organizations which have related missions. Objectives: A. In order to achieve greater collaboration, strengthen and broaden partnerships with organizations which represent public and/or private interests. Goal 5: Funding – Provide leadership and coordination that supports sustainable funding opportunities for pollution prevention. Objectives: A. Advocate funding opportunities for pollution prevention efforts.