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goals and objectives

Goal 1: Information Exchange – Advance pollution prevention by maintaining and improving opportunities for exchanging ideas and facilitating coordination of efforts.


A.     Maintain and improve annual NPPR conferences as important forums for exchanging ideas and meeting member service needs.
B.     Increase access to member network expertise by facilitating communication through all available media.
C.     Enhance effectiveness of workgroups.
D.    Support and improve a national pollution prevention information clearinghouse.
E.     Support and promote pollution prevention activities of regional roundtables and academic pollution prevention initiatives.

Goal 2: Public Policy – Advance pollution prevention by influencing the development and implementation of policies, legislation and regulations.


A.     Educate policy makers on the concept of pollution prevention.
B.     Utilize members, through workgroups and advisory council, to identify and influence federal policy issues.
C.     Support members’ efforts to identify and influence state and local policy issues.
D.    Cooperate with external partners to affect public policy.

Goal 3: Education – Promote education and awareness of pollution prevention concepts, programs, methods, accomplishments, and benefits.


A.     Ensure pollution prevention providers have access to new technologies or program developments.
B.     Support and facilitate pollution prevention training opportunities.
C.     Support the development and distribution of educational pollution prevention information.

Goal 4: External Partnerships – Foster constructive, mutually beneficial relationships with other organizations which have related missions.


A.     In order to achieve greater collaboration, strengthen and broaden partnerships with organizations which represent public and/or private interests.
B.     Work with potential partners to establish mechanisms for identifying and addressing issues of common concern.

Goal 5: Funding – Provide leadership and coordination that supports sustainable funding opportunities for pollution prevention.


A.     Advocate funding opportunities for pollution prevention efforts.
B.     Ensure that the NPPR is funded at a level that supports member services and organizational goals and objectives.

Contact Us:

Mailing Address:


Bureau of Sustainability

Mail Code 401-02H

401 East State St.

Trenton, NJ 08625-0420

Attn: Laura Henne

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